.. ########################################################################### This file contains reStructuredText, please do not edit it unless you are familar with reStructuredText markup as well as Sphinx specific markup. For information regarding reStructuredText markup see http://sphinx.pocoo.org/rest.html For information regarding Sphinx specific markup see http://sphinx.pocoo.org/markup/index.html .. ########################## SECTION HEADING REMINDER ####################### # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters =, for sections -, for subsections ^, for subsubsections ", for paragraphs .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************ Introduction ************ This documentation serves as a set of notes for the developer and a record of testing & implementation for those individuals who wish to better understand the technical details of forking the `Cookiecutter Repo on GitHub`_ in order to implement a new **cookeicutter.json** format spec as proposed by `hackebrot's cookiecutter pull request #848`_. Cookiecutter References ======================= The following are useful Cookiecutter references: * `ReadTheDocs`_ * `Cookiecutter Repo on GitHub`_ * `hackebrot's cookiecutter pull request #848`_ - the catalyst for this implementation effort * `Cookiecutter v2 Fork`_ Timeline ======== The initial implementation & test of this work was done over the course of 8 days between 20 Oct and 28 Oct 2017. After 100% test coverage was attained, the code was re-visited due to an implementation defect in the handling of **extra context** overwrites -- it needed to be more sophisticated for v2 contexts. The defect resolution was attained on 29 Oct 2017 with 100% test coverage; however, more tests were added on 30 Oct 2017 to cover all **extra context** overwrites for each type of field supported in the v2 context. A couple days were consumed implementing and testing a utility to allow easy conversion of a version 1 **cookiecutter** template file to version 2 file. This effort is a `separate GitHub project`_. .. _hackebrot's cookiecutter pull request #848: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter/pull/848 .. _ReadTheDocs: http://cookiecutter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/readme.html .. _Cookiecutter Repo on GitHub: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter .. _Cookiecutter v2 Fork: https://github.com/eruber/cookiecutter/tree/new-2.0-context/cookiecutter .. _separate GitHub project: https://github.com/eruber/cookiecutter-template-converter